Items Subject to X-Ray Check
All luggage/handbags and laptops including those belonging to your children are checked through the x-ray device. All baby push chairs, potties, chairs and similar items which are suitable in size for the xray device are also checked.
We would like to remind you that:
When arriving at the Security Check Point, you need to place all the items in your child's pockets in the plastic trays provided and put it through the x-ray device;
Manual search is performed by the security staff for items which are too large to go through the x-ray device; maximum care is taken during this procedure to avoid any damage to your items;
Useful Information

For Your Safety
Attend to your bags and possessions at all times

Useful Tips
We would like to call your attention to the following security issues

To Avoid Wasting Time during Security Checks
While waiting for your turn at the security check points and without waiting...

Families with Children
In order to maintain a secure environment within our airports for passengers and...

Items Subject to X-Ray Check
All luggage/handbags and laptops including those belonging to your children are checked...

At Gate Metal Detector Points
All items such as push chairs and cradles must be put through the Gate Metal Detectors...